Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ADDM - Automatic Data Diagnostics Monitor

ADDM’s goal is to improve the value of db_time

Prerequisite :Exec dbms_advisor.set_default_task_parameter(’ADDM’,’DBIO_EXPECTED’, 20000);(response time expected by Oracle from the disk I/O system, defaults to 10 milliseconds)

select sum(value) "DB time" from v$sess_time_model
where stat_name='DB time';
Analysis findings are ranked and catagorised into
To get the analysis result manually:
Set pages 1000
Set lines 75
Select a.execution_end, b.type, b.impact, d.rank, d.type,
'Message : 'b.message MESSAGE,
'Command To correct: 'c.command COMMAND,
'Action Message : 'c.message ACTION_MESSAGE
From dba_advisor_tasks a, dba_advisor_findings b,
Dba_advisor_actions c, dba_advisor_recommendations d
Where a.owner=b.owner and a.task_id=b.task_id
And b.task_id=d.task_id and b.finding_id=d.finding_id
And a.task_id=c.task_id and d.rec_id=c.rec_Id
And a.task_name like 'ADDM%' and a.status='COMPLETED'
Order by b.impact, d.rank;

@addmrpt.sql - for detailed report

Another article -

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